Richard Apodaca
Richard Apodaca has been the District Principal (Pre k -12) of Mesa Vista Consolidate Schools, NM since July 2019, serving prior to as an elementary principal at El Rito and Ojo Caliente Elementary Schools in the same district. Prior to that serving as a behavior support specialist and behavior teacher in the Santa Fe Public Schools from 2009 to 2018. Richard’s teaching experience is in special education, physical education and behavior beginning in 2001 in Portales, Taos and Santa Fe, NM.
Richard has a bachelor’s (special ed) and master’s degree (sports admin) from Eastern New Mexico University. Additionally, he has been through the graduate program for school administration from New Mexico Highlands University and has a certificate in Project Management from Northern New Mexico College.
You can follow Richard on Twitter @RickApodaca1 or connect with him on LinkedIn.