Yvette Stewart
Dr. Yvette Stewart has served over 24 years in public education as a classroom teacher, an elementary/middle school administrator, a university professor, state leader, and is currently the Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning and K-12 Literacy in Hamilton County Schools, TN. Dr. Stewart is a proud alumna of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, earning her Bachelor’s degree as a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, a Master’s degree as a North Carolina Principal Fellow, her Ed.S and Ed.D. Dr. Stewart’s reputation as an educational leader earned her the NC State Superintendent’s Performance Excellence Award, she speaks professionally across the country and actively serves on several advisory boards and councils that advocate on behalf of public education and school reform.
You can follow Yvette on Twitter at @ystewart1. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.
A few notes from Yvette:
“I am happy to speak with you about how Hamilton County Schools, TN began its journey with high-quality curriculum materials through our literacy adoption (during a pandemic!) We have had a tremendous number of “lessons learned” and have put some great supports in place that we believe are #gamechangers.
I can also speak to the experiences I had with educator evaluation systems, systems reform, and deI can also speak to the experiences I had developing educator evaluation systems, leading systems reform, and designing and developing professional learning at scale from my former work at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.”